Put together by experts in weight training, fat shedding, body toning and training-focused nutrition, the Men's Fitness Guide series of bookazines zone in on different topics to get you on track to the body you want. We've got the Complete Guide to Dumb-bell Training, Meals that Make Muscle, the updated Workout Manual for 2020, and many more dedicated specialist magazines for you to keep at home for expert tips in an instant.
Men's Fitness Guide
FOREWORD • by Charles Poliquin, the world-renowned strength and conditioning coach, who has trained Olympians in 12 sports, world record holders in ten sports and professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB and English Premier League
ABOUT THIS GUIDE • To build strong, lean muscle faster just follow these simple rules
Control your body shape • Whether you pack on muscle easily, struggle to shift your gut or stay lean despite hours lifting weights, smart training will maximise your potential
BODY SHAPES: ENDOMORPH • Shift your spare tyre by ditching cardio for weights and watching what you eat
BODY SHAPES: MESOMORPH • You’re genetically gifted, but training smarter can still result in even greater gains
BODY SHAPES: ECTOMORPH • It’s hard for you to build muscle, but not impossible provided you use big lifts and good carbs
KNOW YOUR MUSCLES • There are over 600 muscles in the human body. These are the major ones you’ll be targeting during your workouts
CORE STRENGTH • Build a solid midsection and reap the rewards
What’s the big deal about compound lifts? • Master the key compound moves to add muscle size and strength fast
SQUAT • Master this classic move to pack on muscle not just on your legs, but also on your upper body
BENCH PRESS • This big lift will add muscular size and strength the your chest, shoulders and arms
DEADLIFT • This important move allows you to lift heavy and grow serious muscle - so long as you do it right. Here’s how
PULL-UP • Raise your game with this upper-body muscle sculptor
LUNGE • Build strong, powerful legs and a rock hard core with this tried and tested muscle builder
SHOULDER PRESS • Develop strong and wide shoulders with this bulk-building upper-body move
BENT-OVER ROW • It’s a great move for building a big upper back, but the technique can be tricky. Here’s how to do it right
CLEAN • This power-building move builds strength and stability from top to toe
SNATCH • Funny name, serious move: the snatch is a highly effective whole-body muscle-building lift
Why should I vary my exercises? • Variety isn’t just the spice of life: it’s also the only way to keep your muscles growing
DEADLIFT VARIATIONS • A strong back makes all other lifts easier. Here’s how to build one
PULL-UP VARIATIONS • Master these classic back moves for a big, strong, and balanced upper body
LUNGE VARIATIONS • Legs, glutes and lower back with these twists on the classic lift
SHOULDER PRESS VARIATIONS • Build broad shoulders to create that V-shape torso
CLEAN VARIATIONS • Build total body strength with these clean moves
Splendid isolation • Target specific muscles with isolation moves for quicker and more impressive growth