NatureVolve beautifully shares ideas in science, conservation and art, to celebrate nature. Each issue includes insightful interviews, stunning photography, SciArt and other forms of art, plus poetry and much more from our fascinating science-art community.
Editorial note • Welcome to NatureVolve issue 11
Struggles in sustaining land resources
Long-tailed Shrike
Bees buzzing in soybean fields
Bluebells hiding history
Making bird counts count
Sericea - an invasive “alien” plant
Flower-bee connections
Cork and Cultural Landscapes in the Montado
Seeing the sustainable value of wetlands
Microevolution can guide conservation efforts
Conservation threats in South & Central America • We take a journey through some of the key environmental challenges and conservation threats faced in South and Central America, while shining a keen lens on the communities in sync with nature who are directly affected.
Terrestrial salamanders amid climate change
Sustainability trade-off
Recovering deforested hillslopes
Creating colorful imagery from crystallized chemicals
Solving water scarcity with art and science
Illustrating drought-tolerant plant’s unique features
A scenic pose in Iceland
I Was A Kid
SciArt for bee research
Minimalist elegance
Antonio Polidano Vella
Star Holden
Mark Noble
Ying Kit Chan
River Liffey
Economics For a Fragile Planet
Portal Otherworldly Wonders of Ireland’s Bogs, Wetlands & Eskers